Category: Blog

News about our company

Mhealth Programs With Poimapper
Mhealth Programs With Poimapper

Mhealth programs with Poimapper Reducing HIV from mothers to babies. Tearfund has been using Poimapper for monitoring of maternal care of clients with / without HIV in various countries in Pregnant women with HIV have a high risk for transmitting the disease the child. Mother Buddies visit the pregnant women (the clients) according to a […]

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Earthquake Disaster Response in The Philippines
Earthquake Disaster Response in The Philippines

Earthquake disaster response in the Philippines Mobile data collection has been used successfully in crisis management, in typhoon Nari disaster response in the Philippines, by Plan International. The local rapid assessment team used Poimapper in gathering and reporting field data in the Viasayas region. Field data included information on evacuation centers, demographic data of families […]

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Poimapper Wins the European CSR Award
Poimapper Wins the European CSR Award

Poimapper wins the European CSR Award According to the selection criteria, POIMAPPER helps to solve a global social problem: how to gather, analyse, and share real-time data about water and food supplies, and the spreading of diseases and treatment possibilities in affected geographical areas. The solution was developed in close cooperation with Plan International (Finland), […]

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Field Data Collection
Field Data Collection

Field Data Collection Field data collection can be a complicated process that requires a lot of resources. A project manager has to build well-defined forms, plan and coordinate field operations for data collection. The field teams have to take the forms and other equipment to remote locations and securely back to the office. Errors may occur when collecting the […]

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NGO’s Benefitting from Mobile Data Collection
NGO’s Benefitting from Mobile Data Collection

NGO’s benefitting from Mobile Data Collection Plan Thailand got a prize for the Most Innovative Use of Technology and Social Media at this year’s Global Awards, an annual ceremony held to recognize the best of Plan’s work around the world. Plan Thailand has used Poimapper’s mobile data collection solution for some time now and we […]

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Worried About The Expensive And Slow Transfer Of Bulk Pictures?
Worried About The Expensive And Slow Transfer Of Bulk Pictures?

Worried about the expensive and slow transfer of bulk pictures? Our Android client for mobile data collection, sharing, and monitoring now allows for users to select the size of images to upload or download. If you want to download existing data containing a large number of images to your phone, you can now select to […]

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Troubled by Unreliable Connectivity or Slow Data Transfers?
Troubled by Unreliable Connectivity or Slow Data Transfers?

Troubled by Unreliable Connectivity or Having to Wait For Data Transfer to Happen? Our Android client for mobile data collection, sharing, and monitoring now has a significantly improved fail-proof background data upload and download. The upload and download streams incrementally compress data, allowing for both software and connectivity failures and continuing from where it was […]

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